quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2017

Untitled - Performance (2017)

Untitled - Performance (2017)
a performance by Thaís de Almeida Prado.

About a body; and the endeavour of being.

This performance was part of the event “What's going on, Brazil?” together with other performances as a trial  "find out" what was going on in Brazil. 

©Fernanda Peruzzo - All rights reserve

What's Going On, Brazil?

Performing Art, Dance, Music, Video, Installation & Photography Against Sexism, Stereotypes, Racism and Politics.
Brazil is upside down, socially, politically, economically and culturally. A conservative right-wing wave is taking the country, censuring art exhibitions, pursuing afro-brazilian religions and traditions, reintroducing slavery, attacking the freedom of minorities, restoring a shameful morality. Women in Brazil are more than ever having to fight against sexism and the hyper-sexualization of their bodies. Rapes and feminicide rates are rising. But buttocks and boobs are still selling beer on TV adds. Travel agencies keep advertising the Brazilian beauties as part of the touristic travel attractions of the country for foreigners.
By asking questions and pointing issues, we invite you to discuss with us and think together the impact of bad politics and stereotypes in our society.


Daiane Rafaela

Kotoe Kaschmir + Dan Timm

Fernanda Peruzzo

, Laura Pacheco - Laura Pacheco

Rafuska Marks a.k.a Rafaella Marques

Thaís De Almeida Prado
Tatiana Heide

Odara Sol

, Caroline Chaves- Caro Li Ne,

Contra Dita/Marina Weis - Dias Marina

quarta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2017

WTF is going on, Brazil!

Heute! WTF is going on, Brazil!
DEAR BERLINERS, next Wednesday I'll show my new performance "Untitled", together with amazing artist@s in a trial to "find out" what is going on in Brazil.
If you are curious as we are come and join us!


About a body; and the endeavour of being.
Thaís de Almeida Prado, Nov. 2017

ⒸFernanda Peruzzo

What's Going On, Brazil? 
Performing Art, Dance, Music, Video, Installation & Photography Against Sexism, Stereotypes, Racism and Politics.
Brazil is upside down, socially, politically, economically and culturally. A conservative right-wing wave is taking the country, censuring art exhibitions, pursuing afro-brazilian religions and traditions, reintroducing slavery, attacking the freedom of minorities, restoring a shameful morality. Women in Brazil are more than ever having to fight against sexism and the hyper-sexualization of their bodies. Rapes and feminicide rates are rising. But buttocks and boobs are still selling beer on TV adds. Travel agencies keep advertising the Brazilian beauties as part of the touristic travel attractions of the country for foreigners.
By asking questions and pointing issues, we invite you to discuss with us and think together the impact of bad politics and stereotypes in our society.


Daiane Rafaela

Kotoe Kaschmir + Dan Timm

Fernanda Peruzzo

Laura Pacheco - Laura Pacheco

Rafuska Marks a.k.a Rafaella Marques

Thaís De Almeida Prado

Tatiana Heide

Odara Sol

Caroline Chaves- Caro Li Ne,

Contra Dita/Marina Weis - Dias Marina

Entry is free. You are very welcome to make a donation for the artists and hosts.  

Confort food and drinks will be served. You can eat and drink to support the space to pay its rent and sustenance.

domingo, 1 de outubro de 2017

A Adormecida que não mordeu a maçã verde e nem colocou o dedo na roca.

(português abaixo  ) 
Exactly 10 years ago I was debuting one of my deepest projects. Exactly 10 years ago I felt for the first time that sleep was not comfortable and even possible. Exactly 10 ago I was writing a diary. 
A little before the exact ten years ago, me with my daring (which is not soooo daring right now), proposed a project to Peter Greenaway on his exhibition Tulse Luper Suitcases and had carte blanche to do whatever I wanted.
Me, an artist/nobody, a woman. Without knowing how to express myself in English (and I still don't). Me. Suddenly I was there. Where I wished so much to be during years. And yes, I proposed my project that was based on writing a diary inspired by the Greenawaynian universe with influences from Hilda Hilst and from my grandmother.
Inside the exhibition, there was a sleeper.
A sleeper who did not bite the apple.
A sleeper who did not put her finger on the rock.
A sleeper who slept to write. A sleeper who slept to dream. A sleeper who slept to wait.
Her bed... a suitcase for harps.
But she was not a harp.
She did not make any noise.
She just penned and stoled some items from each other suitcases around so that she could write about each item while in her bed.
Exactly 10 years ago I started a journey of a month that became an exchange of letters between Sleeper and the public. One month that seemed eternal.
The months before the exhibition start I was helping to assemble the installation which would be my second home. There, I was surrounded by really special people who encouraged me and helped me to make the project come to life. These people, I keep in my heart!
Thank you so much for this beautiful exchange Adriano Alves Pinto DeCamposDiana Van De VossenbergRosie Stapel, Joep Vermeulen, Serge DodwellMarita RuyterNathalia LordaFrancisco PeresEduardo Paiva, and Peter Greenaway.
Thank you for encouraging me to follow this journey.
Há exatos 10 anos atrás eu estreava um dos meus mais profundos projetos.
Há exatos 10 anos atrás eu sentia que dormir não era confortável e tão pouco possível. Há exatos 10 anos atrás eu escrevia um diário.
Um pouco antes dos exatos 10 anos atrás, eu com a minha ousadia, não tão ousada assim nos últimos tempos, propunha um projeto para Peter Greenaway dentro da sua instalação Tulse Luper Suitcases e eu tive carta branca.
Eu uma artista/ ninguém, mulher. Sem saber me expressar em inglês. Eu. De repente eu estava lá. Lá onde eu desejei muito durantes anos estar. E sim, eu propunha um projeto meu baseado na escrita e inspirado pelo universo greenawayniano e com certas influencias de Hilda Hilst e minha avó.
Dentro da exposição existia uma adormecida.
Dentro da exposição existia uma adormecia que não mordeu a maçã.
Uma adormecida que não colocou o dedo na roca.
Uma adormecida que apenas dormia para escrever. Uma adormecida que apenas dormia para sonhar. Uma adormecida que apenas dormia para esperar.
Sua cama... uma mala para harpas.
Mas ela não era uma harpa.
Não fazia nenhum ruído.
Apenas escrevia.... e roubava itens de cada uma das outras malas para que pudesse escrever sobre eles em sua cama.
Há exatos 10 anos atrás eu começava uma jornada de um mês que transformou em trocas de cartas entre a adormecida com o público. Um mês atemporal.
Meses antes eu ajudava à montar a instalação que se tornaria minha segunda casa ao lado de pessoas muitos especiais que me encorajaram e ajudaram a fazer este projeto acontecer. Estas pessoas eu tenho no meu coração!
Obrigada por essa linda troca!

A Adormecida Que mordeu a maçã verde e não colocou o dedo na roca.

sábado, 9 de setembro de 2017

The Poetics of Movement


The Poetics of Movement


Duo movement: November Wong & Thais De Almeida Prado
A November Wong project proposition.

The space was designed to host an interactive installation which consisted of a piece of hanging installation, a grass like area for movement sessions and a paper-covered area to draw using the released energy from the sessions. 

Inspired by the art’s previous project “Hér” made in Iceland, the place was transformed from a event space/conference room into a safe space where viewers were invited to join a guided session, then translating those new learned physical vocabulary onto paper.

Part I: Installation 
An installation was created in two days using hundreds of ziptie to create several concave surfaces which resembles the breathing skin. The hanging mobile occupied the space below the skylights which soften the atmosphere above the green carpet. Participants were encouraged to interact with the installation while moving around the space.

Part II: Movement Sessions
Body language by definition is “the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicated.”How our bodies move in daily life is mostly functional according to our habits. Much like the words we use to communicate, a comfort zone is created and the lack of exploration limits our imagination.

The guided movement sessions awakens participants’ consciousness towards their movement of each body part. Once the awareness is established, the exercises emphasize on paying more attention to the relationship between the body and the surroundings, like a conversation between people and even within oneself. The collective movement is not quite like a dance as it was meant to be experimenting something new physically and to trust one’s intuition. It’s a process of learning to use unfamiliar words to write poems without hesitation.

Part III: Drawings 
The movers translate what they’ve learned in the three dimensional space onto two dimensional surface, yet the conversation continues. 

The fluidity of the movement travels across the paper and overwrites what came before. The instructor sometimes give cues to break the rhymes such as claps her hands and asks the participants to write down any word that come to their minds.

A sense of freedom and relaxation is often experienced by the participants. Letting go of worries to perform help them to focus on being in the preset thus allowing their energy to flow.
Duo movement: November Wong & Thais De Almeida Prado 

Special thanks to: Melissa Pische, Bonan Zhu, Marcela Fae, Thais De Almeida Prado, Caroline Chaves & Timm Hammer Sponsor: Donnerstag/ Clubmate Taiwan
Music(top left to bottom right): Before and After by Collectress, Feel Good Inc by Gorilla, Blue Paint by Kevin MacLeod, Rosegold by Entro Senestr, Closer by Nauges, Mes by Murcof, Wen uuu by Shlohmo, These Semi Feelings They Are Everywhere by dné, Comptine d'un autre été by Yann Tierse, Hypnos by Daemonia Nymphe.

sexta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2017

Co2 e outras toxinas (Co2 and other Toxins) - CRD-SP

Co2 e outras toxinas

Bianca Mendonça, Katharina Geyer e Thaís de Almeida Prado (Brasil, Portugal e Alemanha)

Dia 4/08 (sexta) 20h
Co2 e outras toxinas é um estudo coreográfico desenvolvido a partir da sensação de asfixia - resposta do corpo quando encontrado em ambientes tóxicos. O tema nasceu a partir das imagens referentes ao crime ambiental ocorrido em novembro de 2015 na cidade de Mariana. Explorando a intersecção entre coreografia, instalação e imagem, o espetáculo estabelece uma experiência artística que trabalha com diferentes níveis de percepção. Mariana, Fukushima, Crise do sistema neoliberalista, entre outros fatos que levam o corpo ao estado de sufocamento real e imaginário.
Co2 e outras toxinas
de Bianca Mendonça, Thaís de Almeida Prado e Katharina Geyer.
Proposiçãartística: Bianca Mendonça
Direção: Bianca Mendonça e Thais de Almeida Prado

Performance e coreografia: Bianca Mendonça, Thaís de Almeida Prado e Katharina Geyer.
Concepção Audiovisual: Thaís de Almeida Prado
Assist. de Direção: Carla Jordão
Fotografia: Alessandro de Matteis, Bianca Furtado, Wellington Photography e Leonardo Merçom.
Arte Gráfica: Thais de Almeida Prado
Produção na Alemanha: Bianca Mendonça
Produção no Brasil: Priscilla Carboni

Patrocínio: Tanzfaktur Köln, Festival tanz.tausch, Festival First Steps, Landesbezik Köln e Ministério da Cultura da região de Renânia do Norte-Vestefália
Classificação: 12 anos

quinta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2017

Co2 e outras toxinas (Co2 and other Toxins) - CEU Inácio Monteiro

Espetáculo inspirado na tragédia de Mariana-MG foi apresentado para os alunos da EMEF CEU na quinta à tarde. Data: 03/08/17 Fotos: Wellington Photografhy

Fotos da apresentação no CEU Inácio Monteiro

segunda-feira, 31 de julho de 2017

sábado, 29 de julho de 2017

"Co2 e outras toxinas" no Inverno Cultural (Teatro Municipal de São João Del Rei)

Relatos e entrevista sobre Co2 e outras toxinas, e São João Del Rei, para o Inverno Cultural.

O espetáculo de dança contemporânea "CO² e outras toxinas" levou aspectos da triste realidade que cerca as indústrias e seus produtos tóxicos para o palco. Através de movimentos corporais e técnicas como projeções e paisagens sonoras, as artistas deixaram o público do Teatro Municipal perplexo. Veja algumas fotos dessa apresentação!

"Co2 e outras toxinas" turnê BRASIL

Alou alou Brasil!!! 

cá estou essa semana pra apresentar uma peça que foi desenvolvida na Alemanha junto com a Bianca Xavier de Mendonca e Katharina Geyer. Entusiasticamente produzida no Brasil por Priscilla Carbone e Rafael Carvalho.

Um trabalho inspirado nos desdobramentos da catástrofe de Mariana. Partimos da idea de asfixia pra desenvolver o trajeto coreográfico e imagético do trabalho. 

o ser apenas duas apresentações em São Paulo;
dia 3/08 as 17h no CEU Inácio Monteiro e
dia 4/08 as 20h no CRD ao lado do teatro municipal.
neste sábado, dia 29/07 apresentaremos aqui em São João Del Rei.

Venham dividir este momento conosco!